3D FDM printing Prusa

The open source 3D printer

This is one of the most popular and best-rated 3D printers in the open source community. You can order the printer as a kit or get a completely customized device. The printer is easy to use, delivers good results quickly and is characterized by its good price-performance ratio.

PrusaResearch sees itself as an open source community. All printable components are printed in our own print farm with Prusa 3D printers in Prague. They also produce their own filament to meet the highest quality standards.

More info

Installation space 180 x 180 x 180 mm

Layer height 0.05 – 0.25 mm

Projects with the

3D FDM printing Prusa

Paintings for the blind for the Kunsthalle

To make it easier for visually impaired people to access art, the Kieler Kunsthalle and the "Anderssicht e.V." have transformed…

Hydraulic brake lever made of carbon fiber

Here you can see an example of how 3D printing is also wonderfully suitable as part of the process chain and not just for the…